Git init | Initialize a local Git repository
The git init command creates a new Git repository in local. This is usually the first command you will run before working on a new project.
git init
# Output
Initialized empty Git repository in D:/git_new_repo/.git/
It creates a ".git" subdirectory in the current working directory. The subdirectory contains all the necessary Git metadata for the new repository.
. │ config │ description │ HEAD │ ├───hooks │ applypatch-msg.sample │ commit-msg.sample │ fsmonitor-watchman.sample │ post-update.sample │ pre-applypatch.sample │ pre-commit.sample │ pre-merge-commit.sample │ pre-push.sample │ pre-rebase.sample │ pre-receive.sample │ prepare-commit-msg.sample │ update.sample │ ├───info │ exclude │ ├───objects │ ├───info │ └───pack └───refs ├───heads └───tags