Git checkout to Switch branch

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Tags:- Git

Git | git checkout to Switch branch

Git checkout is mostly used for switching from one branch to another. It is also used to check out files and commits.

Switch to a branch

This command is used to switching one branch to another in your local.

Before switching branch:

  • Ensure that the current branch must be committed or stashed
  • Ensure that the branch exists in your local to switch
git checkout <branch name>
git checkout new_branch

This command switch to the branch last checked out

git checkout -

Create a new branch and switch to it

This command creates a new branch in your local (-b stands for the branch) and switches to it.

git checkout -b <branch name>
git checkout -b new_branch

Clone a remote branch and switch to it

This command creates a new branch in your local and switches to it along with copy the latest updates from the remote.

git checkout -b <branch name> origin/<branch name>
git checkout -b new_branch origin/new_branch

Discard changes to a file

This command discards the changes done to the file.

git checkout -- <file-name.txt>
git checkout -- new_file.txt