hr tag attribute and its use

Last updated 5 years, 11 months ago | 1869 views 75     5

Tags:- HTML

HTML | <hr> tag

By using html <hr> tag, some time we need to style <tr> tag as per page or design requirement. For styling <hr> tag we can use htrml <hr> tag attribute or css styling.

<hr>  tag


An example with <hr> tag.

<title>hr tag with attribute</title>
<p>Example hr tag</p>
<p>Above hr tag contan width and align attribute.</p>

<hr> tag with attribute:

<hr width="50%" align="left">

lets try an example of <hr> tag with its attribute:

<title>hr tag with attribute</title>
<p>Welcome to</p>
<hr width="50%" align="left">
<p>Above hr tag contan width and align attribute.</p>


Other attributes of <hr> tag

There are some other attributes of <hr> tag which is commonly use in html page.

HTML <hr> tag attribute
width value taken in "px" or "%" This is use to set width of <hr> tag.
size value taken in "px" or "%" This is use to set size of <hr> tag.
align Accpeted value is left|center|right This is use to set alignment of <hr> tag.
noshad Accpeted value is noshad This is use to remove shad from <hr> tag.