Django | Overriding the save method
The save method is inherited from models.Model class. It is used to override the save method before storing the data in the database. This is used when there is a need to modify or update the data which is going to insert in the database.
Let's create a Post model having the following fields: title, slug, description, seo_title, seo_description, seo_keywords
from django.db import models
from django.utils.text import slugify
# Create Post models
class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length = 200)
description = models.TextField()
slug = models.SlugField()
seo_title = models.CharField(max_length = 200, null = True, blank = True)
seo_keywords = models.CharField(max_length = 200, null = True, blank = True)
seo_description = models.CharField(max_length = 200, null = True, blank = True)
# overridden Save method
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# slugify title
self.slug = slugify(self.title)
# check seo_title and seo_keywords for None and assign title field's value
if self.seo_title is None:
self.seo_title = self.title
if self.seo_keywords is None:
self.seo_keywords = self.title
# Check seo_description for None and assign first 30 words from description field
if self.seo_description is None:
self.seo_description = ' '.join(self.description.split()[:30])
super(Post, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
In the above code, the save method is used to provide values for the slug, seo_title, seo_keywords, and seo_description fields.
Tips and Tricks
Python In-place swapping of two numbers
Python | In-place swapping of two numbers
>>> a, b = 10, 20
>>> print(a, b)
10 20
>>> a, b = b, a
>>> print(a, b)
20 10
Reversing a String in Python
Python | Reversing a String
>>> x = 'PythonWorld'
>>> print(x[: : -1])
Python join all items of a list to convert into a single string
Python | Join all items of a list to convert into a single string
>>> x = ["Python", "Online", "Training"]
>>> print(" ".join(x))
Python Online Training
python return multiple values from functions
Python | Return multiple values from functions
>>> def A():
return 2, 3, 4
>>> a, b, c = A()
>>> print(a, b, c)
2 3 4
Python Print String N times
Python | Print String N times
>>> s = 'Python'
>>> n = 5
>>> print(s * n)