Name some companies that use Django?
Some of the more well-known companies that make use of Django are:’ Instagram Mozilla Firefox Reddit YouTube Disqus Bitbucket Spotify NASA Pinterest Eventbrite, etc.
what are the features available in Django?
Django | Features Features available in Django are Optimized for SEO Extremely fast A loaded framework that features authentications, content administrations and RSS feeds Exceptionally scalable to meet the heaviest traffic demand Highly secure Versatility, …
“in Python, Functions Are First-class Objects.” What Do You Infer from this?
It means that a function can be treated just like an object. You can assign them to variables and pass them as arguments to other functions. You can even return them from another function. You …
What is slicing in Python?
Python | Slicing As the name suggests, ‘slicing’ is taking parts of sequences like lists, tuples, and strings. Syntax for slicing is [start : stop : step] The start is the starting index from where to slice a …
What is a dynamically typed language?
Python is an interpreted language, that executes each statement line by line and thus type-checking is done on the fly, during execution. Hence, Python is a Dynamically Typed Language. Typing refers to type-checking in programming …
Explain the difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod?
Python | Difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod A staticmethod is a method that knows nothing about the class or the instance it was called on. It just gets the arguments that were passed, no implicit first argument. …
What does an x = y or z assignment do in Python?
If bool(a) returns False, then x is assigned the value of b.
What is docstring in Python?
Python | Docstring A documentation string or docstring is a multiline string used to document a specific code segment. The docstring should describe what the function or method does.
Explain Django’s Request/Response Cycle.
Django | Request/Response Cycle Whenever a request is received by the Django server. The Request is processed by various middlewares and is passed to the URL Router. Then, the server looks for a matching URL in the urlpatterns …
What is a Meta Class in Django?
Django | Meta Class A Meta class is simply an inner class that provides metadata about the outer class in Django. It defines such things as available permissions, associated database table name, singular and plural versions …
How do you check for the version of Django installed on your system?
Django | Check Version To check for the version of Django installed on your system, you can open the command prompt and enter the following command: python -m django –version You can also try to import …
How to obtain the SQL query from the queryset?
Using the query method we can print SQL query from the queryset post = Post.objects.all() print(post.query)
What do you mean by the csrf_token?
The csrf_token is used for protection against Cross-Site Request Forgeries. This kind of attack takes place when a malicious website consists of a link, some JavaScript, or a form whose aim is to perform some …
Is Django better than Flask?
Django is a framework that allows you to build large projects. On the other hand, Flask is used to build smaller websites but flask is much easier to learn and use compared to Django. Django is …
Does Django support NoSQL?
Django | NoSQL NoSQL basically stands for “not only SQL”. This is considered an alternative to the traditional RDBMS or relational Databases. Officially, Django does not support NoSQL databases. However, there are third-party projects, such as …