Django is a framework that allows you to build large projects. On the other hand, Flask is used to build smaller websites but flask is much easier to learn and use compared to Django.
Django is a full-fledged framework and no third-party packages are required. Flask is more of a lightweight framework that allows you to install third-party tools as and how you like.
So, the answer to this question basically depends on the user’s need and in case the need is very heavy, the answer is definitely, Django.
Tips and Tricks
Python In-place swapping of two numbers
Python | In-place swapping of two numbers
>>> a, b = 10, 20
>>> print(a, b)
10 20
>>> a, b = b, a
>>> print(a, b)
20 10
Reversing a String in Python
Python | Reversing a String
>>> x = 'PythonWorld'
>>> print(x[: : -1])
Python join all items of a list to convert into a single string
Python | Join all items of a list to convert into a single string
>>> x = ["Python", "Online", "Training"]
>>> print(" ".join(x))
Python Online Training
python return multiple values from functions
Python | Return multiple values from functions
>>> def A():
return 2, 3, 4
>>> a, b, c = A()
>>> print(a, b, c)
2 3 4
Python Print String N times
Python | Print String N times
>>> s = 'Python'
>>> n = 5
>>> print(s * n)