What architecture does Django use?

Last updated 2 years, 5 months ago | 923 views 75     5

Tags:- Django

Django follows a Model-View -Template (MVT) architecture which is a variant of the MVC architecture. 

  • Model: Logical data structure behind the entire app and signified by a database. A model is used in Django to represent a table in a database
  • View: It's a user interface. What you see when you visit a website is called a user interface.
  • Template: Deals with the presentation of data. Represented by HTML/CSS/Javascript files.


Tips and Tricks

Python In-place swapping of two numbers

 Python | In-place swapping of two numbers

>>> a, b = 10, 20
>>> print(a, b)
10 20

>>> a, b = b, a
>>> print(a, b)
20 10


Reversing a String in Python

Python | Reversing a String

>>> x = 'PythonWorld'
>>> print(x[: : -1])


Python join all items of a list to convert into a single string

Python | Join all items of a list to convert into a single string

>>> x = ["Python", "Online", "Training"]
>>> print(" ".join(x))
Python Online Training


python return multiple values from functions

Python | Return multiple values from functions

>>> def A():
	return 2, 3, 4

>>> a, b, c = A()

>>> print(a, b, c)
2 3 4


Python Print String N times

Python | Print String N times

>>> s = 'Python'
>>> n = 5

>>> print(s * n)