Shutdown a window system through RUN or Command Prompt
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SHUTDOWN | A CLI command for Windows
It's really cool to shutdown your computer through Run command or command prompt. Actually shutdown is a CLI (command line interface) command or function which is use to shutdown, restart, log off or hibernate your computer.
This command is also use to remotely shutdown or restart a computer you are accessing over a network.
shutdown -s -t 60
-s : Shutdown and Power off the computer
-t : Time before shutdown i.e 60 sec in the above command.
Use this through Run window:
Step 1: Press Window key + R button on your keyboard.
This will open a Run window on your screen.
Step 2: Now type the above command in run window i.e: shutdown -s -t 60
Step 3: Hit the enter button.
This will shut down your windows PC in 60 seconds.
Use this through command prompt:
Step 1: Press Window key + R button on your keyboard.
This will open a Run window on your screen.
Step 2: Type cmd in run window and hit enter.
This will open a command prompt on your screen.
Step 2: Now type the shutdown command in command prompt i.e: shutdown -s -t 60
Step 3: Hit the enter button.
This will shut down your windows PC in 60 seconds.
Note : To know more about shutdown command, just type shutdown /? in command prompt.
Some more example:
Example 1:
shutdown /l
This command immediately logged off your windows PC. It doesn’t display any warning messages.
Example 2:
shutdown /r
This command restart your windows PC
Example 2:
shutdown /s /t 0
This command immediately shutdown your windows PC because /t is given 0.
Example 3:
shutdown -s -c "Ha Ha, I Shut Down your computer!!!!" -t 60
This command will display a message i.e: "Ha Ha, I Shut Down your computer!!!!" before shutdown.
Example 4:
shutdown /a
This command immediately abort a system shutdown process.