How will you concatenate two strings in PHP?

Last updated 5 years, 10 months ago | 4626 views 75     5

Tags:- PHP

PHP | Combine two strings

There are several ways to concatenate two strings in PHP.

Use the concatenation operator [.] and [.=]

There are two string operators that are used for concatenation.

[.]:  Concatenation operator | Used to combine two string values to create a new string.
[.=]: Concatenation assignment operator | Appends the argument on the right side to the argument on the left side.


Concatenation operator


$str1="Hello World! ";

$str2="Welcome to";

echo $str1 . $str2;

// output
//This will produce following result −
//Hello World! Welcome to




Concatenation assignment operator


$str1 = "Hello World! ";

// Use og concatenation assignment operator
$str2 .= "Welcome to";

echo $str2;

// Output:
// Hello World! Welcome to




Double quotes strings

PHP variables also work inside double-quotes. So if you place the PHP variable inside double quotes and just put a space between both the PHP variable will work the same


$str1 = "Hello World!";

$str2 = "Welcome to";

// Use of Double quotes
// The curly braces have used here to make the things clear.

echo "{$str1} {$str2}";

// Output:
// Hello World! Welcome to


In the above example, you can directly use the  PHP variable without curly braces. The curly braces have used in the above example to make things clear.


// without curly braces

echo "$str1 $str2";

// Output:
// Hello World! Welcome to





Use a cmmma "," with echo() statement

This used only when you what to print the thing directly on the webpage. The echo statement can take multiple variables as a list by using a comma to separate the variables.

So, let's see who its work


$str1 = "Hello World!";

$str2 = "Welcome to";

echo $str1, ' ', $str2;

// Output:
// Hello World! Welcome to
