Posts Tagged with 'Python'

Python | get all keys from AWS KMS in python with boto3 This is an example of how we can get all the CMK(Customer Master Key) from AWS KMS.  To get all keys from AWS …

Last updated 3 years ago | 2335 views

Tags:- Python Boto3 AWS KMS

Python | Get the first 5 words from a string This can be done by using the `split()` and `join()` methods >>> massage = 'Today is a sunny day but tomorrow it might rain' >>> …

Last updated 3 years, 2 months ago | 1984 views

Tags:- Python

Python | Insert and Get data from an index in Elasticsearch To do so we need to import the Elasticsearch package and create an instance of that by providing the host and port. >>> from elasticsearch …

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago | 6336 views

Tags:- Python Elasticsearch

Python | Program to count the number of words in a string split() and len() method is used to get the number of words in a string. The split() method split a string into a list …

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago | 972 views

Tags:- Python

Python | Ternary Operator python uses an if-else conditional statement in a single line to represent the Ternary Operator. [true] if [expression] else [false]   Let's see an example of Ternary Operator a, b = …

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago | 1121 views

Tags:- Python

Python | Create and delete an index in Elasticsearch To use the elastic search we need to import the Elasticsearch package >>> from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch now create an object of Elasticsearch search class by providing …

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago | 1929 views

Tags:- Python Elasticsearch

Django | The view account.views.register didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead. This error usually occurs when missed writing a return before render. The render is used to render the view to the browser. It …

Last updated 3 years, 11 months ago | 16607 views

Tags:- Python Django